Top-quality translation: human translation services vs automation

12 de October de 2022

Translation services are an essential part of modern-day communication, especially for businesses that have global operations. With the advent of technology, automated translation services have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, despite the convenience and speed of these services, human translation services continue to hold a significant advantage when it comes to quality and accuracy. In this article, we will compare human translation services with automated translation services and highlight the benefits of human translation services.

Human Translation Services vs Automated Translation Services:

Automated translation services are software programs that use artificial intelligence to translate text from one language to another. They are often used by individuals who need quick translations or by businesses that need to translate large volumes of content quickly. However, while automated translation services can be convenient and fast, they are not always accurate and can produce translations that are difficult to understand.

human translation services

On the other hand, human translation services are provided by professional translators who are experts in the languages they work with. They can translate documents, websites, and other types of content accurately and with attention to detail. Human translators have a deep understanding of the nuances of language and culture, and can ensure that translations are not only accurate but also culturally appropriate.

The Limitations of Machine Translation

While machine translation has come a long way in recent years, it still has significant limitations. Machine translation works by using algorithms to translate text without the input of a human translator. This means that the translations produced by a machine can lack nuance, context, and cultural sensitivity.

human translation services

For example, machine translation struggles with idiomatic expressions, idioms, and other figures of speech that do not translate literally. The software is also not able to understand the subtleties of different languages, such as differences in tone or formalities. This can lead to translations that are awkward, unclear, or even offensive.

Another limitation of machine translation is that it is not always able to accurately translate technical or specialized language. Machine translation relies on pre-existing translations in its database, and if a term is not in that database, it may not be able to translate it accurately.

The Impact of Machine Translation Platforms on Professional Translation Services

There are many machine translation platforms available on the internet today, including Google Translate, DeepL, and Microsoft Translator. While these platforms can be useful for casual translations, they have had a significant impact on the professional translation industry.

One of the biggest impacts of machine translation platforms is that they have increased the demand for translation services. As more businesses and individuals have access to machine translation, they are realizing the limitations of these tools and the value of human translation services. This has led to an increase in demand for professional translation services.

However, machine translation platforms have also had a negative impact on the industry. They have led to a decrease in the perceived value of translation services, as many people believe that they can get accurate translations for free or at a low cost using these tools. This has led to downward pressure on prices, which has made it more difficult for professional translators to earn a living wage.

Another impact of machine translation platforms is that they have made it easier for non-professionals to offer translation services. While this can be beneficial in some cases, it has also led to a decrease in the overall quality of translations, as many non-professionals do not have the expertise or training necessary to produce accurate translations.

Despite the challenges posed by machine translation platforms, professional translation services remain essential for businesses and organizations that require accurate and high-quality translations. Human translators offer a level of expertise, cultural sensitivity, and accuracy that machine translation simply cannot provide.

The Benefits of Human Translation Services

Despite the limitations of machine translation, human translation services have remained essential for businesses and organizations that require top-quality translations. Here are some of the benefits of using human translation services:

  1. Contextual understanding: Human translators have a better understanding of the context of the text they are translating. This enables them to produce translations that are more accurate and nuanced.
  2. Cultural sensitivity: Human translators can recognize and translate culturally specific terms and expressions that a machine might not understand. This is particularly important for businesses that operate in different countries or cultures.
  3. Technical expertise: Human translators often have expertise in specialized fields such as law, medicine, or finance. This enables them to translate technical language with a high degree of accuracy.
  4. Quality control: Human translators can review and edit their own work to ensure that the translation is accurate, clear, and meets the client’s requirements.

Why Choose Linguiserv for Human Translation Services?

When it comes to choosing a human translation service provider, there are many options to choose from. However, not all translation providers are created equal. Here are some reasons why Linguiserv stands out from the competition:

  • Quality assurance: Linguiserv is committed to providing top-quality translations. All of our translations are reviewed by a second translator to ensure accuracy and clarity.
  • Expertise: Our team of translators has extensive experience in a wide range of fields, including law, medicine, finance, and more. This enables us to provide accurate translations of technical or specialized language.
  • Competitive pricing: At Linguiserv, we believe that high-quality translations should be accessible to businesses of all sizes. That’s why we offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality.
  • Customer service: We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. Our team is always available to answer questions, provide support, and ensure that our clients are satisfied with our services.


In conclusion, while machine translation can be a useful tool for certain purposes, human translation services remain essential for businesses that require top-quality translations. Human translators offer contextual understanding, cultural sensitivity, technical expertise, and quality control that machine translation simply cannot provide. If you’re looking for a reliable and high-quality human translation service provider, Linguiserv is the best choice in the market.

At LinguiServ, we understand the importance of professional translation services for businesses. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of linguistic services to help companies communicate effectively with their target audience. Our team of native linguists are highly skilled and experienced, ensuring that your content is accurately translated and culturally appropriate.

We also have a rigorous quality control process in place to ensure that all of our translations meet the highest standards of accuracy and clarity. And with competitive rates and excellent customer service, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible value for their investment.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business succeed in today’s global marketplace.

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